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The Sleep, Eating, and Affect (SEA) Laboratory is supported by:

Federal Support

The Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium

The National Institutes of Health

U.S. Department of Defense


Foundation Support

Aoki Foundation

Donner Foundation

Mount Zion Health Fund (MZHF)

Tiny Foundation

William K. Bowes Junior Foundation


Our research speaks to different people in different ways.


Folks have asked us how they can directly support sauna research and our lab in general.  

To make a donation and specifically support the work we are doing in the SEA Lab, click here and then follow instructions below:

  1. IMPORTANT: Click the button that looks like the following



  2. In the window that pops up, please select "Other" and indicate "SEA LAB" in the box 


Click here to access the secure UCSF online giving page.

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© 2019 by SEA Lab.

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